My January 2023 favorites

Photo by Kelley Klein

It's February 2023! Isn't that insane?

It's time to review, reflect, & discuss.

In terms of listening, I've been loving podcasts. 

I have always been a podcast fan, but I've been loving a few recently. The first is The World's First Podcast with Erin & Sara Foster. If you aren't already familiar with these lovely ladies, they are the daughters of musician David Foster. But that's certainly not the only thing they bring to the table. They used to have a show on VH1 called Barely Famous, which I loved. They're also moguls in their own right with their clothing company Favorite Daughter (which is Nordstrom's second best-selling brand!) and they just sold a television show to Netflix. The podcast covers everything from random experiences to love to finance. Their conversation is both relatable and hilarious. I highly recommend it.

Additionally, I've been loving Girls Next Level. If I haven't already proven I loved reality tv, I'm telling you now. In 2005, E! premiered a brand new show called The Girls Next Door (which is available for streaming on Tubi). The show followed the day-to-day of the women dating Playboy's Editor-In-Chief Hugh Hefner and their life living in the mansion. From its inception, it was huge. The women in question, Holly, Bridget, and Kendra were phenoms in entertainment for years following its 6 season run. This year, Holly and Bridget started a rewatch podcast, Girls Next Level, giving us behind-the-scenes stories and photos. If you liked the show, you'll like the podcast. 

Gals, Poppi. Poppi is a pre-biotic soda. I'm obsessed.

I've been upping my skincare game. I'm loving my OleHenrikson moisturizer. I added it to my Shop My Favorites tab, too! It's thicker than a normal daily moisturizer but not typical winter thick. Applies nicely and doesn't leave my face greasy. I'm obsessed.

This parka from Zara is everything to me.

When I haven't been at my 9-5 or doing schoolwork, I have been grinding through books. Growing up, did you ever read The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket? I never did, but I am now. I finished the first three in January: The Bad BeginningThe Reptile Room, and The Wide Window. It was nostalgic, thinking about the 2004 film starring Jim Carrey which I adored as a kid. I read them on Kindle through my public library, but they are available on Amazon for Kindle and print.

Found this article super interesting! This Film Does Not Exist by Frank Pavich for The New York Times

TV? I have only watched Seasons 1-3 of The Real Housewives of Miami. I'm not exactly sure why, but I enjoyed it!

What was your January made up of?

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